Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Busy Week

No, I wasn't driving when I took this!
This is supposedly the last warm weekend of the year.  It's great convertible weather.

I've been busy with real estate stuff.  First, we have a lot of sales.  I have also a lot of photos to take of new listings.  I have spent the last two weeks recovering from a sinus infection and cough.

The big news is we have a new property management company.  It's called Clyde, which is named after my grandfather who was a real estate agent.  I'm not sure if it will be Clyde Properties or Clyde Asset Management.  I like Clyde Properties better but there is one in Scotland already.  I want to have the name of the company as the web page.

It was hard to chose a name.  I liked the name Access Syracuse but wanted to choose a name where it was not limited to Syracuse.  I wanted to call it 315 Properties, as that is the area code in all the areas I would be able to consider managing from a distance perspective.  I figured as soon as I did that we would get a new area code around here!

We have clients already, we are managing 32 units!  One of the buildings we have almost no idea who lives there, what rent they pay or if they have paid any rent.  So it's my job to get all that straightened out.  The other buildings we know who is in them at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! If Bill and I find ourselves in the market for a new rental, I'll be sure to get in touch with you!

Jen Kubeck