Sunday, April 20, 2008

Red and Green House

Red and Green House, originally uploaded by Melsky.

On Burnet Ave in the Hawley Green Area. I love the color combination on this house, it always catches my eye as I go by it.

I haven't been posting here much. The big thing is I'm working full time. Sadly, I hate my job. It sounded so much like it would be a great job for me but it's just not been. I'm not doing what I thought I would be and I'm micromanaged to a painful degree.

It's seasonal so I'm trying to decide if I should try to tough it out and wait until the end of the summer or just go now. It would be such a relief to not have to go there. I've had many jobs in my life but I've never had one where the clock stands still and time just drags. It's so hard to feel happy when I spend such a big chunk of my day doing things I hate in a place I don't like.

It is frustrating because I was very determined to do good in this job. It's my first full time job in a long time. I'm not working with computers at all and I do a lot of repetitive tasks like writing the same thing over and over again on a form. Every job has boring stuff but I'm used to being given a list of tasks to complete and not being micromanaged. I get bored writing the same phrase over and over again on 100 pieces of paper and it's hard to concentrate.

Anyway, I hope to have a new job soon. I would really like to work in downtown Syracuse and hopefully I will.

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